- Model
- Session
Interfaces, Classes and Traits
- Auth
- A class that serves as an authentication system for users.
- Config
- A class that loads everything from the "/config" directory and make it as an array that is accessible via dot-notation.
- Controller
- An abstract class that serves as a base Controller that can be extended to make handlers for application router.
- Database
- A class that represents the database and handles database operations.
- Event
- A class that offers simple events handling functionality (dispatching and listening).
- Globals
- A class that serves as an abstraction/wrapper to work with superglobals.
- Model
- An abstract class that serves as a base model that can be extended to create models.
- Router
- A class that serves as a router and an entry point for the application.
- Session
- A class that offers a simple interface to work with sessions.
- Exception
- A class that serves as a base exception class with helpers to assist with errors/exceptions handling.